15 August 2022 - 20 August 2022
Bangkok, Thailand
APG23-4 was held in Bangkok, Thailand with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through Zoom meeting platform (i.e., hybrid meeting).
The objectives of the APG23-4 are as follows:
Following outcomes are expected from APG23-4:
'Mode of Attandence' at the Meeting:
APG23-4 will be organized with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through Zoom meeting platform. Those who will not be able to travel to Bangkok, Thailand to participate physically, will be able to join the meeting virtually/online. Please indicate your prefernece during registration online.
All APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members and International/Regional Organizations can attend the meeting by registering online. Member Administrations and International/Regional Organizations are requested to send the official List of Delegations for the meeting and to nominate Head of Delegation (HoD) and Alternate HoD. If any APT Affiliate Member is included in the National Delegation, please clearly mention in the List of Delegation.
Participation of Non-Members: Non-Members cannot attend the meeting. Non-Member participants under National Delegation are allowed upon submission of a letter of nomination signed by the responsible officer of the APT Members.
Venue and Other Details:
Please refer to the 'Information for Participants'.
Information on the Submission of Contribution to APG23-4:
Contributions for the meeting from APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, regional and International Organizations are welcome. Please refer to the 'Information for Submitting Contributions to APG23-4'. Contributions will be posted on APT website prior to the starting of the meeting. Last date of receipt of your contributions by APT Secretariat is 8 August 2022. Please, submit contributions and any information on the documentation to aptapg@apt.int.